The lecture titled “The art of attracting an employer: How to write a good CV?” is organized by the IEEE University of Banja Luka Student Branch. Marina Starcevic and Mirjana Ceranic, two experienced HRs gave the students a lot of tips about not only writing a quality CV but also a cover letter, as well as tips on how to behave in a job interview. The students had the opportunity to write their own version of a CV and act out situations which could potentially happen in interviews. This helped them better understand some of the most common mistakes people make in these situations and prepared them for the real life scenario of interviewing at an IT company. IEEE student branch co-organized a lecture for students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of University of Banja Luka on the topic “Cloud computing and modern information systems”. The lecturer was Saša Marić from Amazon. The students had the opportunity of hearing about both the basics and the latest trends in cloud computing, the latest trends in app development and also a bit about the organization of the company itself.